Thank you for subscribing to the <daily> Santa Barbara County Rare Bird Alert. The report below shows observations of rare birds in Santa Barbara County. View or unsubscribe to this alert at https://ebird.org/alert/summary?sid=SN35915 NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated.
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Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) (1)
- Reported Mar 17, 2025 17:38 by Zach Nett
- Mesa Rd. at Los Carneros Rd.--SW, Santa Barbara, California
- Map: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&t=p&z=13&<q...>,-119.86055&<ll...>,-119.86055 - Checklist: https://ebird.org/checklist/S219153525 - Media: 2 Photos
- Comments: "Toby’s continuing oriole. Seen in SE corner of campus housing parking lot near Mesa Rd. Did not see the Hooded Oriole though. Phone died after I took this great picture. Will be back in the morning when it’s hopefully less windy."
Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) (1)
- Reported Mar 18, 2025 11:18 by Eunice Schroeder
- Storke apartments (restricted access), Santa Barbara, California
- Map: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&t=p&z=13&<q...>,-119.8629427&<ll...>,-119.8629427 - Checklist: https://ebird.org/checklist/S219300301 - Media: 2 Photos
- Comments: "Continuing female first found on 3/14 by Toby Fowler. Seen here: (34.421895, -119.861804), in canopy of a tall pine at the SE corner of the Storke Apartments parking lot. Seen from beneath only. Black splotches on face and throat. Orange coloration was brightest at the chest and paler at belly, with somewhat brighter UTC and orange-ish undertail. Photos."
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