Date: 3/15/25 2:36 pm
From: Liz Lee <lizl...>
Subject: Re: [VTBIRD] meadowlark imitator
Or you heard a Meadow Lark. I went to Hawkins Road in Ferrisburg today
to see if the ice was out, almost.  As I was driving towards the Little
Otter Creek, a meadowlark flew across the road.  It was working hard
against the strong south wind so it was going slow enough for a good
look.  Unmistakable white outer tail feathers. The frequency graphs
under the bar charts in ebird shows their returning numbers rapidly 
increasing through March and April in Chittenden and Addison Counties.
It might be worth going back for another look.

Liz Lee


On 3/14/2025 4:51 PM, Maeve Kim wrote:
> Today I thought I heard an Eastern Meadowlark twice, once from the field next to the parking lot at Shelburne Town Beach and later along Whalley Road, Charlotte. Halfway home I realized that Brown Creepers may be singing now, and their song has somewhat the same pattern. If a creeper sings the fourth song here
> (the one recorded 8/16/64) it could sound like a meadowlark, especially to someone who’s either driving or chatting.
> Maeve Kim, Jericho Center

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