Date: 3/15/25 5:51 am
From: Maeve Kim <maevekim7...>
Subject: [VTBIRD] truly astonishing numbers of CAGO
I stopped on the side of Little Chicago Road yesterday, between Walker Road and Sand Road, to try and count the Canada Geese. The farm fields and the little creek that runs under the road (by the abandoned house) were blanketed by them. I started counting by ones, switched to tens and then fifties and then hundreds. I got bored when I reached 4000 - and there were many more. These are beautiful and impressive birds, but I fear there are too many of them for the habitat now. A few years ago, when I was in Churchill, Manitoba, there was concern that the growing numbers of geese (both Canada and Snow) were affecting shorebird populations because the larger birds were destroying nests and eggs just by walking around on the tundra. Does anyone know of any programs to bring the populations down a bit - like egg oiling that was done with Double-crested Cormorants?
Maeve Kim, Jericho Center
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