Observation start time: 09:30:00 Observation end time: 17:00:00 Total observation time: 7.5 hours
Official Counter: Andy Dickson, Michael Ceci
Observers: Mike Ceci
Weather: Clear skies with some cirrus clouds. Light onshore (northerly) breeze at count locations 1a, 1b, and 2 but southerly winds higher on escarpment near Creamery Rd.
Raptor Observations: Flight developed midway up escarpment between the opposing winds. Nothing was moving early except Red wind blackbirds by the hundreds. Mid and late afternoon birds were extremely high and difficult to spot.
Non-raptor Observations: Estimated 450 Red wing blackbirds in the first two hours of the count, 16 Canada Geese, 23 distant waterfowl. The extremely high altitude of the raptors commanded all our attention once the flight started around 11AM.
Predictions: Strong southerly winds, cloudy, warm temperatures may bring some birds through. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Andy Dickson (<adickson3...>) Ripley Hawk Watch information may be found at: www.facebook.com/groups/3193820734258889/