Date: 3/14/25 3:21 pm
From: Kaaren Perry via <surfbird1...>
Subject: [slocobirding] Egret Jackpot
Driving along Morro bay State Park Road during the showers this morning I was amazed at the number of both Snowy and Great Egrets that had congregated in the estuary. Most were across from the St Park campgrounds. There were well over 100, maybe 200 or….??? Not time to stop and try to estimate the numbers. There were also many Great-blue Herons wading and feeding nearby all along the creek.

You may remember my post about "Butch", the protective Mockingbird that has taken it upon himself to chase away any and all birds that might land on our wires? Well after a long, solo winter Butch was joined this morning by a second Mockingbird! No chasing! They just seeming to be enjoying each other's company. Now waiting for the nighttime serenades to begin.

Kaaren Perry
Morro Bay

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