Date: 3/14/25 2:18 pm
From: Beverly Propen via CTBirds <ctbirds...>
Subject: [CT Birds] Anchor Beach, Milford
3/14. Took a mid-afternoon walk at Anchor Beach in Milford, along Beach
Ave to Kings Hwy, past Merwin Pt.
Very birdy , with many gulls, ducks etc.
At Devol St and Beach Ave, the Monk parakeets are building nests again (saw
about 8), with Fish Crows harassing them. Several hundred Brant along the
coast, with gulls and some cormorants on the rocks off of Merwin Pt.
Mallards, Black ducks and some Scaup. Binoculars or a scope will be
helpful since some species were further out.
Full report on EBird.
Bev Propen, Orange

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