Date: 3/14/25 11:12 am
From: Lucy & Bob Email via <RobertADuncan...>
Subject: [ALbirds] Fw: [NFLbirds] Gray Gull is back! DETAILS
another detail....  It was seen at Ft. Panic beach this morning between 11:00 and 11:30 am. Ft. Panic beach access is in Dune Allen.
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Lucy and Bob Duncan <robertaduncan...>To: Nflbirds <nflbirds...>; Albirds <albirds...>Sent: Friday, March 14, 2025 at 01:09:20 PM CDTSubject: [NFLbirds] Gray Gull is back! DETAILS
The gull is at Dune Allen Beach access, looking for handouts......Many thanks to Brian Cammarano, Shorebird Guru from Audubon Florida! 
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Lucy & Bob Email <robertaduncan...>To: Nflbirds <nflbirds...>; Albirds <albirds...>Sent: Friday, March 14, 2025 at 12:22:39 PM CDTSubject: [ALbirds] Gray Gull is back!
Just got a brief report that the Gray Gull is back in Walton County, FL. No details yet, but I'll post asap when I hear.
Lucy Duncan
Lucy and Bob Duncan
Gulf Breeze, Florida

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