Date: 3/14/25 9:07 am From: Sandy Berger <sndbrgr...> Subject: Barn Owl more info
I walked onto the old dock at the backwater of the river and an owl flew
out from under it. It landed in a tree park side and turned and looked at
me. BARN OWL!!! Then it jumped into a cedar next to the tree and stayed
hidden until Cheryl, Pam, and Kayley showed up. I had to walk close to the
tree to try and see it when it flushed. It flew across the water where all
of us got good looks and Cheryl got decent photos. I was walking for
“exercise” and didn’t have my camera. Life bird for three. Made me so
New bird for the park. Bill Beall says they must be nesting somewhere
Tomorrow is park cleanup morning.