Date: 3/14/25 7:57 am
From: Charles Anderson <oborocks0...>
Subject: Re: Ornithology students encounter owl chicks on the forest floor
I'm just now reading about owl chicks' "branching" behavior and the fact
that they can climb back up trees to the nest or branch in Jennifer
Ackerman's What an Owl Knows. Very cool. Thanks for sharing this.

Chuck Anderson
Little Rock

On Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 10:19 PM Donna Haynes <
<00000003bd9d64d2-dmarc-request...> wrote:

> What an amazing and adorable sight! Experiencing tht will be a core memory
> for many of your students! Thank you so much for sharing!
> Donna Haynes
> West Pulaski Co.
> Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
> <<id...>&listing=search_organize_conquer>
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 6:59 PM, Ragupathy Kannan
> <0000013b0ad14faf-dmarc-request...> wrote:
> I live for OMG moments like this when I am out with my ornithology
> students. This afternoon we were exploring the River Valley Nature
> Center's pine woodlands when we ran into two downy Great Horned Owl chicks
> on the ground, apparently fallen out of a nest. Amidst many oohs and aaahs
> and sounds of camera shutters, we circled around the chicks from a decent
> distance and enjoyed them as they glared back at us openmouthed. Here are
> the photos:
> A parent was seen briefly flying nearby.
> Note the Purple Finches also, a good new bird to the class's burgeoning
> list.
> Kannan
> Ft. Smith
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