Date: 3/14/25 4:53 am From: Parker Kaye via <parkerk...> Subject: [northbaybirds] Point Reyes Snowy Plover Nesting Season 2025
Hi birders,
The Point Reyes NS snowy plover nesting season is here! I will be taking
over for Matt Lau after his many years of working with and advocating for
snowy plovers in the seashore. Our team has been observing pairs and plenty
of scrapes at all the usual sites, including Abbotts Lagoon.
This year, we are keeping part of the southwest lower lagoon shoreline open
to birders and visitors all season long (please see attached photo;
encircled red area is the annual plover closure). However, this area will
only be accessible going off-trail along the east side of the lower lagoon
and around the south end (light green path). *This area will not be
accessible via walking around the lagoon mouth and walking south along the
western lower lagoon shoreline; *most of the southwest lagoon shoreline
will still be closed during the nesting season (March-end of August) to
reduce disturbance on incubating adults and broods. Please expect to see
(and respect) symbolic fencing set up in this area by the end of next week.
In 2024, we had a good number of plovers nesting close to the lower lagoon
shoreline and the area was also used by several broods (i.e., males with
chicks). Because of their success in that area, we expect them to return
again this year.
Last year we started a Snowy Plover Volunteer Monitoring Program and will
be continuing this year! If you have prior experience with data collection
and/or field work with shorebirds and are interested in contributing your
time to conservation efforts, please let me know by contacting me at
<parkerk...> Training will be required.
If there’s any questions regarding the annual closure at Abbotts Lagoon or
anything snowy plover related, feel free to reach out.
Thanks everyone and happy spring birding,
Parker Kaye
Biological Science Technician – Snowy Plovers
Point Reyes National Seashore Association
(916) 835-8614