Date: 3/13/25 4:23 pm
From: Patricia A. Curran <pc21...>
Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] Ospreys are on their way!
Our Haiku box reported an osprey flying over a couple of days ago.

We are just north of West Danby.

Pat Curran

From: <bounce-128669240-99101916...> <bounce-128669240-99101916...> on behalf of Candace E. Cornell <cec222...>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2025 2:08 PM
To: CAYUGABIRDS-L <CAYUGABIRDS-L...>; <geneseebirds-l...> <geneseebirds-l...>; <cvaudubon...> <cvaudubon...>
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Ospreys are on their way!

Ospreys have been seen at the New Jersey shore and are heading our way! Please let me know if you see any Ospreys building nests in the Cayuga Lake area and around the other Finger Lakes. It is for a 13-year population study of the Ospreys in this area. Ospreys use their same nests each year, refurbishing and improving them for the next clutch of eggs. Younger, first-time migrant males have a strong affinity for their natal area, building new nests nearby their parents' nests. Returning females tend to fly farther away, mixing their genes material with other colonies.

Thank you for your reports!

Candace E. Cornell
Cayuga Lake Osprey Network

Osprey migration routes determined using GPS tracking devices. Upper left: Osprey hovering. Left:
Various Osprey migration routes in the US. Right: individual Osprey migration routes to and from South America.
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