Date: 3/13/25 1:51 pm From: Ian MacGregor <00000489141846bd-dmarc-request...> Subject: Gravette, AR
I decided to try my luck in the Gravette area today. A beautiful orange moon was low in the west. I don't think you can have a "harvest moon" north of the equator in March. My first leg was Leonard Ranch Rd. I had hardly gotten started when, I looked out in the field and saw a smallish hawk which I could not identify, but I'm glad I got out as in the field beyond iit was a gray ghost. My first Norther Harrier of the year. The bird on the ground did not look like a female harrier, I would however see one on the Tim Lake part of the trip
Just past the intersection of Crawley and Leonard Ranch, the song of the Western Meadowlark dominated. This is a great place fro blackbirds. Red-wings, Grckles. Cowbirds.and Eupagius sp. I was able to identify one as definitely Brewer's. Later on on the Austin Rd at the corner Austin and Crawley, I found seven in a tree with about 25 cowbirds, and a few Red-wings and was able to get some photographs.
I was disappointed in the sparrows. Just one Harris's, among the expected White-crowned and Savannah.