Date: 3/13/25 7:04 am From: John Williams <john...> Subject: [AZNMbirds] First five swallow day
It is always nice to have a five swallow day. One Barn Swallow and one Cliff Swallow were over the 9th hole pond. They joined moderate numbers of Northern Rough-winged Swallows, Tree Swallows, and Violet-green Swallows. Still haven’t seen a Bank Swallow. According to eBird, they haven’t been seen in the Tucson basin since early November. But soon? Things with wings….
For the second time in two weeks, the Virginia Rail emerged from the reeds at the edge of the SW pond by the 6th green. I was able to get a few decent photos of it foraging on the grassy slope. This bird is doing risky behavior as the Cooper’s Hawks are displaying around the pond, and have nested for several years within sight of the pond.
Other shorebirds have been sparse…. Even missed Killdeer a couple times.
Two days ago I photographed a female hummingbird (Gee they are tough to get in focus). In reviewing them it was revealed that it was a Black-chinned.
Still seeing two Eared Grebes on the 9th pond. Duck numbers are up and down. They seem to be getting ready to migrate. Cinnamon Teal drakes are in great color.
Two Blue-gray Gnatcatchers ( 700 yards apart) were a personal high for my 15+ years birding in the park. A third gnatcatcher probably was another, but I only make that call when seeing the undertail, which I idid not, but it was with one of the two I did see.
White-crowned Sparrows are still around in numbers. Yesterday a Rufous-winged was singing. Marsh wrens are chattering.