This morning yielded NW winds that gradually moved to SW by the end of the
day. Varied cloud cover throughout the day, bringing warm temperatures and
blue skies. Beautiful day today that brought in a few more migrants for the
Raptor Observations:
Today was a productive day for migrant raptors, the second best day so far
this season! A total of 11 migrants were counted in the duration of the
observation period. 9 individual RTHA took a few different flight paths
ranging from low overhead to distant along the W slope. The adult FEHA was
spotted flying far out along the W slope cruising N, showcasing its bright
white tail. Other migrants included the 1st Northern Harrier of the season,
flying high out above the W ridge, very exciting!
In terms of local birds we had high diversity with 5 different species. 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk was seen flying S after thermaling with a local Golden
Eagle, the SSHA gave extended yet distant looks before dropping in the
valley S of Mount Morrison. The local AMKE made an appearance hunting low
on the E side of the ridge. 2 GOEA and 2 BAEA, 1 adult and 1 immature, were
seen throughout the day. Our 6 local Red-tails made consistent appearances.
Non-raptor Observations:
Sandhill Crane 27, Northern Flicker 1, Steller's Jay 1, Woodhouse's Scrub
Jay 1, American Crow 2, Black-capped Chickadee 4, American Bushtit 7,
Mountain Bluebird 21, Townsend's Solitaire 2, Dark-eyed Junco 5, Spotted
Towhee 2, Black-billed Magpie 6, Common Raven 9
Tomorrow’s winds will originate in the E around 10:00am before switching
to SW in the late afternoon. Clear skies with light afternoon cloud cover
and temperatures around 16C. We are hopeful to see a few more migrants with
the presence of the E wind!
Report submitted by Official Counter (<j.f.peters58...>)
Dinosaur Ridge - Denver Field Ornithologists information may be found at:
Site Description:
Dinosaur Ridge is the only regularly staffed hawk watch in Colorado and is
the best place in the world to see migrating Ferruginous Hawks. Hawk
watchers may see 17 species of migrating raptors; and it is an excellent
site to see rare dark morph buteos including Broad-winged hawk,
Swainson’s hawk, Ferruginous hawk, Rough-legged hawk and Red-tailed Hawk.
Other raptors we see include Golden and Bald Eagles, Northern harrier,
Osprey, Peregrine Falcons, Prairie Falcons, Cooper's and Sharp-shinned
Hawks, American Kestrels, Merlin, and Turkey Vultures. American Goshawk is
uncommon but also counted each season. Non-raptor species include Rock
Wren, Bushtit, Western Bluebird, Sandhill Crane, White-throated Swift,
American White Pelican, and Dusky Grouse. Birders of any skill level are
always welcome. The hawk watch at Dinosaur Ridge is staffed by Hawk
Counter(s) and volunteers from March through early May.
Directions to site:
From exit 259 on I-70 towards Morrison, drive south under freeway and take
left into first parking lot, the Stegosaurus lot. Follow hawk watch signs
from the southwest end of the parking lot to the hawk watch site. The hike
starts heading east on an old two-track and quickly turns south onto a
trail on the west side of the ridge. When the trail nears the top of the
ridge, turn left, and walk to the flat area at the crest of the ridge.
(Distance: 0.56 miles, Elevation gain: 259 feet)
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