Observation start time: 07:00:00 Observation end time: 12:00:00 Total observation time: 5 hours
Official Counter: Mark Morris
Observers: Ernie Leblanc, Joanne Hart
Weather: A very chilly North/Northwest wind during the watch with wind speeds from 9-15mph and temps from 35-41'F.Visibity was excellent with an increasing milky haze at higher elevation, which mocked as cloud cover.
Raptor Observations: There were a few Local TV's that left their roost early, as they were able to get lift immediately from the wind. We were able to squeeze out 2 migrants; a TV and a RS. The local Red Tails were the attention getters as they have started their display flights; a little roller coaster ride up and down, then stooping straight down out sight. No local Black Vultures for the second consecutive day. Local Raptors: TV-7,BE-2, RT-4, RS-1 Non-raptor Observations: C. Goose-11, Raven-4, C.Crow-19, M.Dove-4,Pileated Woodpecker-1(drumming),D.Woodpecker-2,A.Robin-1,Starling-200 +/-, H.Sparrow-35+/-,B.Jay-20,White Throated Sparrow-5,Song Sparrow-4,D.E.Junco-3,N.Cardinal-4,A.Robin-1,C.Grackle-7, Predictions: Thursday's forecast is expected to be another wind change from the Southeast around 7mph and mostly cloudy skies and a high of 47'F. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Mark Morris (<MDMRemodeling...>) Adams Farm - Athol MA information may be found at: https://massbird.org/emhw/