Date: 3/12/25 1:33 pm
From: Steven Tracey <straceyflash...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] SEAZ: San Pedro House Birding Walk plus upcoming SPRNCA spring festival
Hi Birders,

This morning 10 birders from AZ, WI and MD shrugged off the threat of rain
and found 36 species on the SPH birding walk. We all keep waiting for
spring migrants to arrive along the San Pedro River, but today wasn't the
day. We did however have a few nice highlights, including Great Blue
Herons on their nests, a nicely perched Great Horned Owl, finally some
ducks on Kingfisher Pond (13 Cinnamon Teal), a nice flock of Lazuli
Buntings and with the unusual-for-the-area addition of a Spotted Towhee,
all four local towhee species.

Eventually the migrants will arrive and there will be plenty of walks to
check them out on. In addition to walks every Wednesday at 7:00am at San
Pedro House through April, we will also be doing a bonus walk on Saturday
March 29 at 7:00am at the Hereford Bridge Trailhead. The Friends of the
San Pedro River will also be holding the Celebrate the San Pedro festival
on Saturday April 12. Just like last year, part of the festival will be a
"Big Morning Birding Challenge" where teams stationed at the various access
points along the San Pedro River will compete to see which team can find
the most species in a 4 hour morning span. This will have docent led teams
at San Pedro House, Escapule Wash, Millville (Charleston Bridge), Hereford
Bridge, and Waters Road (Casa de San Pedro), all birding from 7:00am to
11:00am. If this interests you, keep the date open and keep an eye open
for a future post here or on the Friends of the San Pedro River's Facebook
page for more details.

The Friends of the San Pedro River leads birding walks from the San Pedro
House located south of Highway 90 just west of the San Pedro River. The
walks last about three hours. Bring your own binoculars, a hat and water.

Steve Tracey
Hereford, AZ

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