Date: 3/12/25 1:13 pm From: Dennis Olson via <eyeper...> Subject: Re: [northbaybirds] help with ID of mystery resident
Is your house near a creek or other water?
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On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 10:41 PM, Joel Hedgpeth via<jhedg...> wrote: About 3 weeks ago we discovered that a bird has been spending every night in exactly the same spot under the eves of our house. It is in exactly the same spot, and position, every night. It is two floors above the ground, and with just a flashlight, hard to identify, as it has no prominent markings. Appears to be about the size of a sparrow or a towhee. We discovered it when we saw its droppings on the ground. From the amount of droppings it seems like it must have been sleeping in the same spot for perhaps many weeks before we discovered it. I was able to get some photos from a balcony, but they just show its back. Any ideas? Joel Hedgpeth. Novato