Date: 3/12/25 12:24 pm
From: Lynn Foster <lfoster5211...>
Subject: Podcast of Interest--Preventing Bird Strikes

If you haven't heard this podcast, you might want to listen. It's less than
30 minutes long and discusses the McCormick Place disaster in October 2023,
what McCormick did about it (decreasing bird strikes by 95%), why
collisions happen (particularly here in the central US), and what you can
do about them.

It's an episode from an NPR program called Up from Dust. It's well worth
your time and very current (just broadcast last week).

And here's a reminder for Arkansas Audubon Society members: Arkansas Sun
Solutions <> will install patterned window
film on your home for a 10% discount. What McCormick Place used was Feather
Friendly film. That's what I have on my house, and it's working great for


Lynn Foster
President, AAS


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