Date: 3/12/25 12:05 pm From: Patty McLean <000008e6fff5e5c8-dmarc-request...> Subject: Re: Little gull at lk maumelle
Several of us scanned the Lake this morning from Bufflehead Bay and Loon Point with no Little Gull seen. Nor was the Clark's Grebe seen. But the Red-necked Grebes, Pacific and Red-throated Loons and at least one Eared Grebe were present. A scope is helpful because the birds were mostly so far away. I'll note that the sunlight can play tricks with the underwings of the Bonaparte's, making them appear rather dark (altho not black). The folks who found it yesterday are from Pennsylvania and told Michael they typically see hundreds of Little Gulls off the coast of Delaware and are very familiar with the species.Patty McLean and Michael Linz The Roadrunners
-------- Original message --------From: Patty McLean <plm108...> Date: 3/11/25 12:12 PM (GMT-06:00) To: <ARBIRD-L...> Subject: RE: Little gull at lk maumelle Roger's last sighting was from here. scope and sturdy hiking boots are helpful. Patty-------- Original message --------From: Patty McLean <plm108...> Date: 3/11/25 11:44 AM (GMT-06:00) To: <ARBIRD-L...> Subject: Little gull at lk maumelle Roger Massey reports a Little Gull out from the Farkleberry Trail.Patty McLean