Date: 3/12/25 11:15 am
From: Beverly Propen via CTBirds <ctbirds...>
Subject: [CT Birds] Coastal Center
3/12 Milford, Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center 9:30am-1PM. sunny,
high tide-receding, 52F.
From 9:30-9:55, I took a short walk along the lagoon and part of LIS
shoreline. One American Oystercatcher on shoreline with numerous gulls, 22
Brant, 2 Hooded mergansers and 7 Mute swans in the lagoon area.
The center was busy with class visits and several visitors this morning.
On the marsh: (viewed from inside building with scope and bins) 16 American
Black ducks in the marsh grass under the osprey platform, but as the tide
receded-they dispersed in pairs into the marsh. 11 Red breasted mergansers
(1 drake, 10 hens) bathing and wing flapping, 27 Canada Geese, 5
Buffleheads, 3 Hooded mergansers far out and the Mute swans moved into the
On the grounds & feeders: 3 Northern Cardinals -2 males singing all
morning, 4 Mourning doves, 8 House sparrows in the brush pile, 1 Chipping
sparrow, 3 Song sparrows, 3 chickadees, 1 Tufted titmouse, 2 House finches
1 Common grackle, 2 American Robins and 1 Yellow rumped warbler at the
water fountain-drinking.
Full report on Ebird.
Bev Propen, Orange

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