Date: 3/12/25 9:41 am From: <photobird...> Subject: Re: [ia-bird] Woodcocks are back!
There was at least one Woodcock, maybe two, at Blackhawk bottoms (Des Moines Co.) Saturday about 5:45p
Sarah Bissell
W. Burl.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly Ertz" <dinokelertz...>
To: "bird" <ia-bird...>
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2025 6:35:15 AM
Subject: [ia-bird] Woodcocks are back!
Last night we heard the American Woodcock out back of our house north of Burlington. Also had a yellow-rumped warbler yesterday.
On a sad note...we found a dead one on the road yesterday morning.