Date: 3/12/25 9:29 am
From: Bruni Haydl <bruni...>
Subject: Nest change
The Red-shouldered hawks in my neighbor's yard seem to have moved to new digs.  I hadn't seen any activity on  the original nest for about a week.   Yesterday morning I noticed what could be a possible nest on the other side of the yard. Today I got a good look while the hawks were around it.  This nest has some white pine sprigs, something I've seen in other active nests.  I set the scope up next to my driveway and managed to get some decent shots of the nest with one of the occupants.

Coming back to my house I heard the familiar twitter of tree swallows.  Sure enough, there were a number of them overhead.  Seems a bit early.

Bruni Haydl
Jefferson Co.

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