Observation start time: 09:45:00 Observation end time: 13:00:00 Total observation time: 3.25 hours
Official Counter: Michael Ceci
Visitors: None
Weather: The day began with comfortable temperatures 60 (F). Gusty variable winds for the duration of today's count with temperatures dropping to 54 (F) during the last hour. Began the day at Site # 1. Birds were flying to the south of Rt 5 just above tree level. Moved to Forsyth Bridge. TV's were crossing I 90, and then flying just above tree level south of Rt 5. The birds were then seen inand. Final portion of today's count was taken from Sites 2 & 3. Even with warm temperatures, the gusty winds may have prevented a bigger flight from developing.
Raptor Observations: Birds were flying low, quickly making their way through all sites of the Ripley Hawk Watch. Observed an adult Bald Eagle during the last hour at a low altitude, enabling a good look. Basically, that was the highlight of the day.
Non-raptor Observations: None
Predictions: Much cooler temperatures in the 40's with ENE winds 10-15 MPH. Not favorable for a flight. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Michael Ceci (<michael.ceci541...>) Ripley Hawk Watch information may be found at: www.facebook.com/groups/3193820734258889/