Date: 3/11/25 6:31 pm
From: Eveline V. Ferretti <ef15...>
Subject: Study re: solar farms and birds [was RE: [cayugabirds-l] Fwd: FYI]
Hello all, thread below reminded me that I'd wanted to share this news piece: Solar farms can host up to three times as many birds as crop fields - new research<> (via; includes a link to the paper<> by Joshua Copping et al (University of Cambridge) that presented the study.

From: <bounce-128663775-62666557...> <bounce-128663775-62666557...> On Behalf Of <tess...>
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] Fwd: FYI

This may be wandering off topic a bit but since I found it alarming, and then found it somewhat less so when I looked into it further, wanted to share what I discovered.

This particular website was created in 2006 by a staunch denier of man-made climate change and it continues to support that case. Click on the drop down menus for "Climate TV", "Books", and "Everything Climate" to confirm that this remains its central purpose.

There are no examples of eagles actually being killed in this article, not even an anecdote. The only articles it links to also also do not have any data, do not mention even a single eagle casualty, and are published by a second organization that specifically rejects climate change (CFact).

It would be more persuasive to hear about the effects of wind power on eagles from a less biased source, particularly if there were data in support of any claims made.

Best wishes -


On 3/11/2025 5:09 PM, Carl Steckler wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Robert Snedeker <rsnedeker...><mailto:<rsnedeker...>>
Date: Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 11:41
Subject: FYI
To: Carl Steckler <simmshill40...><mailto:<simmshill40...>>

This is really sad.....................

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