Date: 3/11/25 6:32 pm From: NSAudubon Publicity <northshoreaudubonsoc...> Subject: [nysbirds-l] NSAS Presents "Birds of Our Region with Larry Federman" - Tues. March 18 @7pm
North Shore Audubon Society invites you to join Larry Federman for a presentation about "Birds of Our Region" via Zoom on Tuesday, March 18 at 7pm.
Watching birds gives us lots of pleasure. With a little practice, one can identify all those feathered denizens by sight and sound. *Larry Federman*, president of Northern Catskills Audubon Society, presents a Powerpoint slide show that will introduce you to the common birds that frequent our region through the seasons.
*Larry Federman* is the former Education Coordinator for three upstate New York Audubon sanctuaries. His history with the Audubon family goes back over 30 years when he first got involved in his local chapter. He has served his chapter in numerous capacities and is currently president, newsletter editor, council delegate, and field trip leader. Larry continues to lead nature walks, give talks, and also conducts bird surveys as a private consultant.
Prior to his employment at Audubon, Larry was a professional musician. His career afforded him the opportunity to travel the US, Europe, and Western Caribbean. While traveling and pursuing his musical endeavors, Larry always made time for birding and experiencing the marvels of nature. You can still find Larry playing guitar in bands at venues in the Hudson Valley and beyond.
Jonathan Herman Publicity volunteer, North Shore Audubon Society PO Box 763, Port Washington, NY 11050 <northshoreaudubonsoc...>
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