Observation start time: 07:15:00 Observation end time: 13:00:00 Total observation time: 5.75 hours
Official Counter: Mark Morris
Observers: Bill Rasku, Chris Eddy, Eric Mueller, Joanne Hart, Scott Carlson, Ted Purcell, Tom Gottschang
Visitors: Claire Green
Weather: Seasonably warm with temps from 1.2-17'C with clear skies thru duration. Calm winds most of the morning increasing to 20 mph from SSW. Visibility was good but hampered by milky haze.
Raptor Observations: The calm winds kept the Raptors down until late morning. At that point, we got a small mixed bag of migrants, including 4 Eagles. One of the Eagles, a sub adult Golden Eagle, showed a white tail with a dark terminal band, and no discernible white elsewhere. Both Eric and I tracked the Eagle with our scopes for several minutes, noting the field marks almost verbatim with a slightly smaller head than Bald Eagle as well.
Predictions: The fickle March weather holds true for tomorrow as a wind change from south to north is forecast with partly sunny skies and a high temp of 45'F ======================================================================== Report submitted by Mark Morris (<MDMRemodeling...>) Adams Farm - Athol MA information may be found at: https://massbird.org/emhw/