Raptor Observations:
Over 400 Turkey Vultures capitalized on the strong winds today - some were
so high in the 2nd and 3rd hours they were just barely visible naked eye.
The first of the season red-shoulders finally showed up here at Hamburg, 5
in all, with the first 1 in the first hour and the last 3 in the last hour.
8 migrating red-tails and 1 coop completed the migrant mix. One of the
local pair of red-tails was carrying nest material and the local coop made
an appearance.
Non-raptor Observations:
Common Mergansers and 9 Mallards joined some Canada Geese on the pond.
Winds are switching to a northerly direction that began this afternoon and
will hold through tomorrow. Temperatures will drop down into the 30's;
unfavorable for migration.
Report submitted by Sue Barth (<suebarth...>)
Site Description:
This spring only "all volunteer" watch is conducted at Lakeside Cemetery in
Hamburg, NY. It is located on flat lake plain located along the shoreline
of the east end of Lake Erie, about 10 miles south of Buffalo, NY.
For additional information contact Jim Landau at <landaujr...>