Date: 3/11/25 1:06 pm From: R Stewart <2cnewbirds...> Subject: [VTBIRD] Canada Goose Day
A flock of 70 +/- seem flying over Stratton Mtn this morning. They were headed south east - saying 'where or where is that open water?' Geese have shown up at usual wetlands/ponds in my area, but there is still little open water.
I also had an unexpected 'comune' with a Barred Owl today. It was sitting on a 3' stick/shrub branch about 30' from the edge of the road, head turned left. Did not move when I stopped my car right in front, or while I tried to get my phone out, roll down window and take a photo. Just ready to 'shoot' and three crows dive bombed the bird. The owl took off with two crows chasing.