Date: 3/11/25 6:45 am
From: Peter Saracino <petersaracino...>
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Winter World Final Walk 3/15
Saturday, March 15
10:00 am at Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, Seneca Falls, NY

Do trees have mouths? Can insects use sleeping bags to help them cope with
winter? Can snow serve as a blanket? How do birds stay warm in winter?
Might some be singing their spring songs? Are mammals the only creatures
that hibernate? Where on Earth can I find a reliable promise of the coming
Spring? Where can I find an even more reliable promise in the night sky?
Join NY State Master Naturalist Volunteer, Pete Saracino, on a walk as we
explore various aspects of winter ecology and seek the answer to these
questions and more.
Walks are free and begin at the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge's
Visitor Center at 10 am. Length of walk depends on what we encounter and
where we linger, but you can leave as it suits your schedule!
Binoculars, appropriate dress and sunscreen are recommended. All ages


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