Observation start time: 07:45:00 Observation end time: 11:30:00 Total observation time: 3.75 hours
Official Counter: Bob Secatore
Observers: Christopher Godfrey
Visitors: Several birders enquiring about the watch.
Weather: West and then WNW winds 14 to 15 mph. Sunny with temps rising from 5 to 9 deg C. So, a bit chilly at the start but pleasant at watch's close. Cloud cover rising from near zero percent to 40 % at close.
Raptor Observations: Only one (1) migrant raptor observed, an adult male Cooper's Hawk that passed through 3 minutes after the start of the watch (7:48 am). Four NH (1 adult male, 1 sub-adult male, 1 imm with buffy underside and 1 "brown Harrier) hunted in the dunes and over the marsh for much of the watch period but failed to migrate. Also, two TV. Non-raptor Observations: At least 100 Canada geese passed through in groups of ten or more and all flying directly north. Intermittent flow of Grackles and RW Blackbirds all day. Also, 3 Ravens, 3 Am Crows, 3 Blue Jays and our pair of House Finches have once again begun nesting in the kiosk.
Predictions: Rather weak South and SSW winds in morning rising somewhat in afternoon ======================================================================== Report submitted by Robert Secatore (<rs8843829...>) Plum Island MA information may be found at: http://www.massbird.org/emhw