Observation start time: 08:00:00 Observation end time: 15:00:00 Total observation time: 7 hours
Official Counter: Maili Waters
Observers: Bridget Watts, Greg Sanda, Mike Tetlow
Visitors: 15
Weather: The first warm sunny day of the season! Temps were in the high 40s with west winds shifting to NNE in the afternoon.
Raptor Observations: Started out slow with a few Turkey Vultures, Red-tailed Hawks, and a Red-shouldered Hawk in the morning. At around quarter after 1 the lake breeze had picked up quite a bit and we decided to move in to Frisbee hill. There, the Vulture flight picked up totalling 40 individuals for the day. We also saw two Rough-legged Hawks, one light morph and one dark morph. As we were packing up to head home, a beautiful adult Peregrine Falcon flew over treating us to one more species for the day.
Non-raptor Observations: A great day for waterfowl on the bay. Northern Pintails were very abundant both in the bay and as flocks flying over, totaling almost 800. Canada Geese were also very abundant flyovers with over 4000 birds including at least 7 Cackling Geese.
Predictions: Sunny with some clouds, temps in the mid 50s. Winds WSW at 10-25mph with some higher gusts. The wind will then shift to NW in the early afternoon. The morning should produce a decent movement of birds but then fizzle out in the afternoon. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Maili Waters (<mailirwaters...>) Braddock Bay information may be found at: http://www.bbrr.org/