Observation start time: 10:00:00 Observation end time: 14:30:00 Total observation time: 4.5 hours
Official Counter: Andy Dickson
Observers: Kate Ebersol
Visitors: Kate Ebersol and Mike Ceci.
Weather: Gorgeous, clear skies all day with a minimal cirrus clouds. Light WSW winds initially moving to W, then WNW throughout the day. Unlimited visibility across the still frozen eastern half of Lake Erie. Temps moved only from 48F to 50F during count. Very difficult clear skies and the flight path moved inland from I90 to top of the escarpment and back again, and a few variations in between. We changed count locations numerous times and the raptors often were viewed at great distance. So it was a challenging but enjoyable first day on the count for me.
Raptor Observations: First Kestrels of the season. Several UBs due to sometimes distant and nearly constant changing flight path. Nice Red tail showing.
Non-raptor Observations: We are now recording non-raptors on eBird and my grasshopper apprentice, Kate Ebersol, did the lion's share of work in that regard. Snow geese, numerous groups of Red wing blackbirds
Predictions: Strong SW winds early moving to W with increasing clouds. Could be knocking hats off and tipping chairs be at the Rt 5 location. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Andy Dickson (<adickson3...>) Ripley Hawk Watch information may be found at: www.facebook.com/groups/3193820734258889/