Raptor Observations:
Raptor movement was slow, with the last 2 hours bringing the most birds.
The best bird of the day was a light morph Rough-leg seen in the 4th hour.
Turkey Vultures numbered 103 along with 10 migrating Red-tails and 1
sharpie. The pair of local Red-tails were seen on and off...
Non-raptor Observations:
Over 400 Canada Geese flew over, 3 flocks of Tundra Swans tallied 91, a
quick flyover of 14 Cedar Waxwings, and 1 Eastern Meadowlark was nice to
find out on the back lawn.
Looks like more of the same as today but with a little stronger WSW winds
and slightly higher temps.
Report submitted by Sue Barth (<suebarth...>)
Site Description:
This spring only "all volunteer" watch is conducted at Lakeside Cemetery in
Hamburg, NY. It is located on flat lake plain located along the shoreline
of the east end of Lake Erie, about 10 miles south of Buffalo, NY.
For additional information contact Jim Landau at <landaujr...>