Date: 3/10/25 10:01 am From: Sharon Henthorn <shenthorn205...> Subject: Re: Merlin in my yard
How cool!
On March 8, 2025 6:15:37 PM CST, drhal2 Yocum <drhal2...> wrote:
>At dusk this evening (3/8) I noted a medium sized bird fly into my yard and perch in one of my large trees. On first glance it was somewhat of a silhouette with a 1-2” wide tail. Not a dove!
>Grabbed my binocs from the windowsill and looked up to focus on a merlin( female). That is a first for my yard. I had one in a cottonwood in the neighborhood by our pond( only 100 yards from my house).
>I live in west Edmond near Santa Fe & 2nd - called Trails North.
>Hal Yocum, Edmond
>Sent from my iPhone