Date: 3/10/25 8:44 am
From: Bruce Conti <contiba...>
Subject: Re: [NHBirds] Redwings and Grackles
White Throated Sparrows spent the winter ground-feeding at my feeder in
Nashua. Observed one Red Wing, one Robin, one Northern Flicker, and a
couple Mourning Doves at the feeder over the weekend. Plenty of House
Finches and Bluebirds all winter here, along with Blue Jays, Titmouses,
Juncos, Cardinals, White Breasted Nuthatches, Downy Woodpeckers, and House
Sparrows. At least one Red Bellied Woodpecker and one Carolina Wren
feeding here all winter. European Starlings have been showing up a couple
times a day for a few weeks. A rafter of 6 to 10 Turkeys pass through
almost daily. Still no Goldfinches here, none all winter, very unusual.
Two Gray Squirrels, and two Cottontails at the feeder all winter, despite
the cold and snow they don't hibernate. I maintain a squirrel-proof seed
tube, beef suet cage, and a thistle tube. Dried mealworms are mixed in the
seed tube to attract the Bluebirds. Spotted a Bobcat roaming through the
neighborhood earlier last week, and of course I didn't have my camera. The
Chipmunks and Groundhog haven't come out of hibernation yet, maybe in
another week with the warmer weather.

On Mon, Mar 10, 2025 at 2:46 PM Pam Weeks <pamela.weeks...> wrote:

> Hi all,
> The first Red Winged Blackbirds showed up last Friday. Yesterday and this
> morning there was a large mixed flock of red wings (20+), grackles (4) and
> 3-4 Starlings. A flock of about 15 blue jays.
> My gang of Eastern Bluebirds remains steady between 6 and 12, the White
> Throated Sparrow is back, and yesterday there were two pairs of House
> Finches. Gold Finches numbered 12 yesterday, as well.
> Should I be surprised that the Junkos are still here? I heard but did not
> see robins and crows.
> Oh, we've regularly had 5-7 grey squirrels. The first chipmunk appeared on
> Friday, and yesterday I saw a red squirrel.
> Pam in Auburn.
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Bruce Conti
*B.A.Conti Photography*

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