Date: 3/10/25 7:46 am From: Pam Weeks <pamela.weeks...> Subject: [NHBirds] Redwings and Grackles
Hi all,
The first Red Winged Blackbirds showed up last Friday. Yesterday and this morning there was a large mixed flock of red wings (20+), grackles (4) and 3-4 Starlings. A flock of about 15 blue jays.
My gang of Eastern Bluebirds remains steady between 6 and 12, the White Throated Sparrow is back, and yesterday there were two pairs of House Finches. Gold Finches numbered 12 yesterday, as well.
Should I be surprised that the Junkos are still here? I heard but did not see robins and crows.
Oh, we've regularly had 5-7 grey squirrels. The first chipmunk appeared on Friday, and yesterday I saw a red squirrel.