Date: 3/9/25 7:51 pm From: Hal Cohen via <raptorhal3...> Subject: [SanDiegoRegionBirding] Swainson's Hawks in Borrego Springs
Today, Sunday March 9, 32 Turkey Vultures and 82 Swainson's Hawks migrated north.
This evening we watched a large kettle of Swainson's Hawks just before 6pm. They apparently settled down in the back of the Date Farm on Borrego Valley Rd.. We believe that at least 125 hawks dropped in. With very light wind predicted, the hawks will probably lift-off between 9 and 10am. Best viewing spots include the evening watch site 1.8 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive on Borrego Valley Rd. If the hawks move directly toward Coyote Canyon they will pass over the day count site on DiGiorgio Rd. You can check in at the day count site 2.8 miles north of Palm Canyon Rd on DiGiorgio Rd. for a good location update. We are now in the prime migration period. Even with a lack of food items available we experience a Swainson's Hawk migration. Hal Cohen Borrego Springs
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