Date: 3/9/25 6:11 pm From: Mark Fairbrother <bogelfin...> Subject: [MASSBIRD] Today 3.9.25 along the CT river
Longmeadow, West Street fields and Fannie Stebbins Canada Geese 900+ White-fronted Geese 2 Snow Goose 1 ad Am. Wigeon 3 Wood Duck 20 Hooded Merganser 6
Hadley, Mitch's Marina Pink-footed Goose 1 Canada Goose 3,000 At one point they came up from the East Meadows like two clouds, then landed on the river. N. Pintail f 1 Green-wing Teal 2 1 pair Wood Duck 1 m
Hatfield, Great Pond area Scattered across the large fields between the pond and the River Road, 3,000 more Canada Geese. From the distance they looked like Wildebeest on the Serengeti as they moved around and fed on the grass and grain from last year. One has a gene problem that makes its body light cream color, with a normal neck and head. Wood Duck 9 Black Duck 25
Sunderland Bridge Canada Geese several hundred along the river just downstream from the bridge.