Date: 3/9/25 6:05 pm From: 'Joel Strong' via Geneseebirds <geneseebirds-l...> Subject: [GeneseeBirds-L] Barnacle Goose - Niagara/Orleans Countyline Rd near W. Yates Center Rd
Hi everyone,Around 2:30 this afternoon, there was a BARNACLE GOOSE at the "Countyline Rd Pond" eBird Hotspot (checklist with photo/video: Technically, the bird was in Orleans, but viewed from either county along the road depending on what side you stand on. It sounds like it was there until at least 4, but then negative reports after that. There are a lot of geese and plenty of habitat in the area to look around if anyone is in the area. I've attached a map I made in Google Maps that identifies some other spots worth checking where there have been good concentrations of waterfowl over the past few days. Figured it might help anyone out looking that isn't familiar with the area. The map is by no means exhaustive. The red pin is where the Barnacle Goose was and the others are blue. Willie D'Anna had 2000 Snow Geese in one of the fields today and there have also been a handful of Cackling Geese mixed in. Hopefully the Barnacle Goose is still in the area, but if not, perhaps some other goodies will be found. Besides the geese, there have been lots of Tundra Swans, Northern Pintail, and some American Wigeon in the mix.