Observation start time: 07:00:00 Observation end time: 13:00:00 Total observation time: 6 hours
Official Counter: Maili Waters
Observers: Greg Sanda, Jessie Barry, luke seitz
Visitors: 8
Weather: Partly cloudy clearing to mostly sunny. Highs in the 40s. WSW winds shifting to west at 20-30mph.
Raptor Observations: The best day of the season so far with five species and 23 individuals! The morning started out with the first Red-shouldered Hawk of the season flying right over the platform. A couple Bald Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks, and Sharp-shinned Hawks passed by. The most numerous species was Turkey Vulture with thirteen individuals.
Non-raptor Observations: Snow Geese were on the move with our total for the day ending at just over 4500! Tundra Swans were moving in small flocks all day totalling just over 300. 5 Trumpeter Swans flew by demonstrating the structural differences from Tundra Swans. We had fun picking out Cackling Geese from flocks of Canada Geese, successfully picking out 9.
Predictions: Partly cloudy skies, high of 48F. West winds shifting to NNE at 10-15mph. The morning might have some migrant birds before the wind shifts to NNE. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Maili Waters (<mailirwaters...>) Braddock Bay information may be found at: http://www.bbrr.org/