Date: 3/9/25 1:26 pm
From: Mindy Waldron <wvwaldron...>
Subject: Green Bottom WMA
We saw these birds driving past Green Bottom WMA today.
2 Tundra swans, seen from the Hoeft Marsh.
Canada goose
Ring-necked duck, around 23
Northern shoveler
American black duck
Hooded merganser, 6
Wood duck 4
Bufflehead 2
Great blue heron
Pileated woodpecker
A. Crow
Yellow-rumped warbler, 14
C. chickadee
A. Robin
N. mockingbird
Song sparrow
Tree swallows, flying above the water
Red-winged blackbirds
Common grackles
Red-tailed hawks
Lots of turtles, over 40, sitting on logs. I don't know turtle species.

Mindy and Allen Waldron

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