Date: 3/9/25 7:01 am
From: p c <pcollinsca48...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] SEAZ: Tubac Hawk Watch - Ron Morriss Park, Tubac, AZ 03/08/25
SEAZ: Tubac Hawk Watch - Ron Morriss Park, Tubac, AZ 03/08/25
Season 13: Episode 030825 - “What’s Going On”

Migrating Raptors
Common Black Hawk 2
Red-Tailed Hawk 19
Peregrine 2
Black Vulture 2
Turkey Vulture. 55

Other Raptors
Cooper’s Hawk

I departed home under complete cloud cover, splashing through puddles left by overnight rain. Another stormy morning cursing gloomy clouds? By the time I drove through Green Valley the storm remnants had pushed north, leaving nothing but burning blue skies to the south all the way to Tubac. Could I have just a few clouds? Please.

Parked at my usual location at Ron Morris Park I coaxed a few clouds to drift our way as birders from as close as Tubac and as far as Columbia gathered to see what the day after the storm would offer.

A few Turkey Vultures teased us at 9:00. Not wanting to loose the crowd too early I delayed the first Black Hawk until after 10. A classic migrant Black Hawk was spotted low over the trees south to the park. Eager watchers struggled to track it as it dipped back behind the trees. It circled, gained altitude, distracted us with a nearby Redtail. It crossed the park east of center, using a Turkey Vulture as cover. For ten minutes I tracked it north until a small black dot disappeared.

Two Black Hawks danced together over the river trees around 2:30. They had different opinions about staying the night in Tubac, with one heading north to Amado and the other reversing course over the golf course. Its Tubac tryst cut short, it was last seen south of the park toward Carmen, insisting on being counted another day.

Another Black Hawk couple was spotted south, but they settled in near Clark Crossing. Perhaps something to count tomorrow.

A majestic procession of 18 Turkey Vultures crossed the park, tall ships with billowing sails heading north west up the high way line, trying to ignore the road kill.

Peter Collins
Vail, AZ

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