Date: 3/8/25 6:41 pm From: Hal Cohen via <raptorhal3...> Subject: [SanDiegoRegionBirding] Swainson's Hawks This Evening-Borrego Springs
At 5pm around 90 Swainson's Hawks arrived in Borrego Springs. Our ALERT system is activated when over 100 hawks arrive. If you would like to be added to the ALERT system, send a note to <hawkwatchborregosprings...> We now have well over 500 folks on the system. We did not put out an ALERT concerning the recent arrival as the number of hawks may be below 100.
Each evening we watch for incoming hawks 1 hour before sunset. We meet 1.8 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive on Borrego Valley Rd. We watch for hawks as they enter the valley. The evening watch is not the official count. The official count is made the following morning as hawks depart the valley continuing migration north to nesting sites.
The predicted wind speed tomorrow is 1-2mph. The hawks will probably begin kettling up between 9-10am daylight savings time. At least 50 Turkey Vultures are in the area as well. To receive the latest information (where the hawks are roosting and where to drive to watch their migration out of town) drive 2.8 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive on DiGiorgio Rd to the official count site. The leader will direct you to the best viewing location. We are entering the prime hawk migration (March 10-30). Hal Cohen <Raptorhal3...>
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