Date: 3/8/25 4:24 pm
From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Granville woodcocks
Tonight & a couple nights ago I was walking on the bike path near wildwood park & heard woodcocks—1 or 2. Just peents altho the traffic noise from Rt 16 is loud enough that it may drown out the wing twittering & no sightings. Still great to hear—I don’t hear them every spring here so it’s always a treat.

At Denison yesterday I saw 4 Field Sparrows & one was singing some. Also saw/heard 2 male E Towhees. 4 male bluebirds & one YR Warbler.

Peggy Wang
Sent from my iPad

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