Date: 3/8/25 8:37 am
From: Chris Mullens <mullensc66...>
Subject: Re: Possible bald eagle nest at Pipestem
I had an adult Bald Eagle Thursday evening in Quail Valley. Checked out
the small lake for a few minutes and was gone.

On Sat, Mar 8, 2025, 10:48 AM James Phillips <jimandjudyphillips...>

> This morning, as I returned home from the P.O., I decided to ride across
> Pipestem S.P. In the cottage area, an adult bald eagle flew across the road
> barely above the car. It was carrying a fox squirrel.
> It flew straight down into the Bluestone gorge. Through the tree tops, I
> could see a 2nd adult perched in a dead tree.
> We will take the spotting scope & see if we can confirm a nest.
> Jim Phillips
> Summers County
> Pipestem, WV

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