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Date: 3/3/25 10:22 am From: Patricia Velte <pvelte...> Subject: March Migration Report (1 of 2) |
Dear OKBirders,
This is the list of MARCH ARRIVALS, based on the “Date Guide to the Occurrences of Birds in Oklahoma,” Seventh Edition. Published by the Oklahoma Ornithological Society © 2019.
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck March 28 - Southern McCurtain co only in SE Blue-winged Teal March 14 - PAN Cinnamon Teal March 1 - PAN Eared Grebe March 26 - PAN, NW, C, SC, NE, SE Chimney Swift March 28 - ALL Ruby-throated Hummingbird March 28 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE Black-chinned Hummingbird March 29 - NW, SW, C, SC: Rare north to Blaine, Dewey and Roger Mills Cos. Only in NW; Rare east to Logan, Oklahoma and Cleveland Cos. Only in C; and rare in Stephens and Jefferson cos only in SCKing Rail March 10 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE Sora March 26 - PAN, NW, SW, C, SC, NE Common Gallinule March 24 - SE *rare in Bryan and Choctaw cos only in SE; Also southern McCurtain co only in SEBlack-necked Stilt March 19 - NW, SW, C American Avocet March 16 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE American Golden-Plover March 5 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE Mountain Plover March 26 - PAN *rare in Cimarron co Only Snowy Plover March 12 - PAN, NW, SW, C, SC, NE Upland Sandpiper March 26 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE Long-billed Curlew March 22 - PAN, NW, SW, C, SC *Cimarron and Texas co. only in PAN Stilt Sandpiper March 25 - ALL Baird's Sandpiper March 1 - ALL Least Sandpiper March 26 - PAN Pectoral Sandpiper March 1 - ALL Semipalmated Sandpiper March 24 - ALL Western Sandpiper March 29 – ALL *rare in spring migration Long-billed Dowitcher March 14 - PAN, NW, C, NE Solitary Sandpiper March 24 - ALL Lesser Yellowlegs March 30 – PAN and March 20 - NW, C, SC, NE and March 15 - SW, SE Greater Yellowlegs March 30 - PAN Wilson's Phalarope March 25 - ALL Franklin's Gull March 1 - ALL Forster's Tern March 25 - PAN, NW, SW, NE Neotropic Cormorant March 10 - NW, SW, C, SC, SE Anhinga March 21 - SE *Southern McCurtain Co Only American Bittern March 26 - ALL Great Egret March 12 - PAN, NW Snowy Egret March 27 - ALL Little Blue Heron March 27 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE and March 12 - SE Cattle Egret March 20 - PAN *Texas and Beaver cos only and March 20 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE Black-crowned Night-Heron March 15 - NW, SW, C, NE Yellow-crowned Night-Heron March 23 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE White Ibis March 20 - *McCurtain co only Osprey March 27 - ALL Swainson's Hawk March 25 - ALL Peregrine Falcon March 24 - ALL Scissor-tailed Flycatcher March 22 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE Eastern Phoebe March 18 – PAN and March 1 - NW Say's Phoebe March 26 – PAN and March 20 - NW, SW White-eyed Vireo March 18 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE *west to Alfalfa, Major and Blaine cos only in NW and Caddo, Comanche and Cotton cos only in SW Yellow-throated Vireo March 25 - C, SC, NE, SE *west to Payne, Oklahoma and Cleveland cos only in C; and Pontotoc and Johnston cos only in SC Northern Rough-winged Swallow March 10 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE Tree Swallow March 20 – SW, CBarn Swallow March 27 – PAN and March 9 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE Cliff Swallow March 14 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE Blue-gray Gnatcatcher March 19 - ALL Grasshopper Sparrow March 27 - NW, C, NE Lark Sparrow March 18 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE Chipping Sparrow March 28 - PAN, NW Vesper Sparrow March 22 – PAN and March 14 - NW, C, NE Yellow-headed Blackbird March 1 - PAN, NW, SW, C, SC, NE Great-tailed Grackle March 15 - PAN Louisiana Waterthrush March 15 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE *Major, Dewey and Blaine cos only in NW; and Caddo and Comanche cos only in SW Black-and-white Warbler March 12 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE Northern Parula March 18 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE *rare west to Alfalfa and Blaine cos only in NW; rare in Comanche co only in SW; and west to Logan, Oklahoma and Cleveland cos only in C Yellow-throated Warbler March 20 - C, SC, NE, SE *west to Payne, Lincoln and Cleveland cos only in C; and west to Pontotoc, Murray, Johnston and Love cos only in SC
The Date Guide divides Oklahoma into 7 geographic regions, and lists the normal dates of occurrence for each Oklahoma bird species within each region. Observers are urged to report unusual species, or birds out of date or out of normal range in Oklahoma, based on the information given in this publication.
The Oklahoma Ornithological Society and Oklahoma Bird Records Committee web site,;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!_poyGvWMkUxnqpxdavPGlaZdpwcxqHBD0197OmHjoisalV3nGxPitlnBUbGvK2OPf6zKo6FN6waPDlGX$ [okbirds[.]org], includes ordering information for the Date Guide to the Occurrences of Birds in Oklahoma, information on documenting significant records, documentation forms, instructions, and a searchable database for Oklahoma bird migration information. Birders are cordially invited to join the Oklahoma Ornithological Society.
Happy birding!Pat <Veltepvelte...> City, OK
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