Date: 3/7/25 2:26 pm
From: Daniel Scali via <daniel.s.scali...>
Subject: [SFBirds] Candlestick Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Continues
Hi all,

Thanks to Mark Frankel for finding the continuing BLUE GRAY GNATCATCHER. It
was not silent this time (this morning) and in fact I was delighted to find
myself close enough to hear it doing a sub song, a.k.a. a whisper song. Yes
it was definitely getting a good syrinx workout. I detected it in the
scrubby coyote brush area Mark mentioned next to the entrance road and left
it after watching it for at least 5 minutes as it flitted around the top of
a blooming acacia.

Also finally heard (barely) the red breasted nuthatch over by the South
bathrooms. I was concerned it might be the starling singing nearby but
luckily I got eyes on it.

Great early spring birding to all,
Dan Scali

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