Date: 3/3/25 4:28 pm From: Lee Friedman via <lfried6...> Subject: [EBB-Sightings] Continuing Sage Thrasher at Eastshore--Albany Access, Plus
A Sage Thrasher continues (see Zac Denning’s Feb. 9 post) at the McLaren Eastshore State Park, Albany Access. On the north side of the owl enclosure, there is a bench marked “Teal Cove.” Facing north, the Thrasher showed itself in the brambles to the left of that bench for about 4 minutes beginning at 10AM, and then briefly elevated itself so that I could get the photograph linked below. It mostly stays hidden, so some patience is required (or great luck). Please note that there were other very nice birds in the mudflats there today: Cackling Goose, Brant, and Eurasian Wigeon among others.