Date: 3/1/25 7:57 pm
From: Robert Thorn <robthorn6...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] DarbyWetlands,3-01: waterfowl,harriers
The Columbus Audubon trip to search for waterfowl & early landbird migrants
in the Darby plains found a surprisingly cold morning, even being snowed on
at one point. But most water was open and we had a good morning for
waterfowl. Stops at Darby Bend lakes, Patterson Road, Alton Place Lakes,
Clover Cemetery wetlands, and the Battelle Darby wetlands found waterfowl
scattered wherever there was open water, though nowhere abundant. The
highlights included:

Trumpeter Swans - 4 were at the White Barn wetlands in Battelle Darby
N.Pintails - had them both at Patterson Road and at the Teal Trail in
Battelle Darby
N.Shovelers - 9 were in the wetland pond at the Teal Trail
AmericanWigeons - 4 were fly-bys at the Teal Trail
Green-winged Teals - 2 males were in the wetland pond along the Teal Trail
Redheads - 1 was at Darby bend Lakes, but 45+ were at the Alton Place lakes
Lesser Scaup - a few were at almost every stop
Ring-necked Ducks - a flock of 80+ birds were in the pond off the Alder
Trail at Darby Bend lakes
Hooded Mergansers - a few were around Darby Bend Lakes
Ruddy Duck - 1 lone bird was at the retention lake at Clover Cemetery
Horned Grebe - also a single bird at the Clover Cemetery wetland retention
Coots - 2 were swimming around near the footbridge at Darby Bend Lakes
N.Harrier - a male was at Darby Bend lakes early, while a female was along
the Teal Trail
BaldEagles - an adult was a fly-by at Darby Bend Lakes, while a juvenile
was along Patterson Rd
Turkey Vultures - 1-2 were at most stops, as they seem to be on the move.

Landbirds were pretty slim, though we did find most of the common winter
birds. Bonuses included a Brown Creeper at Darby Bend lakes and a Rusty
Blackbird at White Barn wetlands at Battelle Darby. Redwings were at
every stop, while a few grackles were at Darby Bend lakes.


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