Date: 3/2/25 10:28 am
From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Toboso wetlands & Lock Trail Blackhand Gorge Sunday
Sunny, but still quite chilly especially with the brisk breeze. Not a whole lot of bird activity but a few things. It was nice to see about a dozen Tree Swallows (my FOY) foraging over the far side of the pond. I was also delighted to hear and then see 2 Sandhill Cranes flying. They landed somewhere on the far side. I had at least one drake Wood Duck. There were several diving ducks that appeared to be Ring-neckeds, although they were pretty distant for a firm ID and a couple mallards. I was also saw a close Golden-crowned Kinglet, a species I haven’t seen recently.

Blackhand Gorge, the main parking lot and all the trails in that area are closed for repair so I went walking on the Lock Trail. There were a few bluebirds, at least two Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers plus another Golden-crowned Kinglet. Only sparrows were Song & one White-throated.

Peggy Wang
Sent from my iPad

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